All Things Digital — A Perspective

Vandana Tulsyan
4 min readOct 13, 2019


Apple’s Extended Marketing Mix, A Brief Case Study

Apple has effectively used an extended marketing mix optimising the 7 P's and strategies corresponding to the approaches of competitors in product technology space.


Apple’s first device was a computer, released in 1976. It all began with this. Image Credit: Business Insider, Australia 2014


Apple iconic store at Fifth Avenue in New York, a landmark venue — completely underground but for a glass cube entrance that sits at the top of Fifth Avenue has been voted as one of the most beautiful retail stores in the world a few years ago (Interior Design Shop (2014), Image Credit:


With the launch of new range of iPhone 11 & iPhone 11 Pro, older models are now available with price cuts. iPhone 8 now starts at $449 while last year’s mainstream model, the XR, is available for $999. Image Credit: Google Search


Print advertisement for APPLE 1, from the APPLE Archives, Image Credit:


The unmissable Apple logo and the company website at


Apple CEO Tim Cook addressing the employees. Image Credit: The silicon Review


At Apple, after sales care is an important part of their process to ensure that customers are always supported. This in turns increases customer retention and loyalty. Image Credit:

A Short Note on ‘Product’ in Apple’s Marketing Mix.

Right from the start, Apple was a company conceived and imagined to ‘play it different’.

Apple Computers, Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976, by college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, with a vision of changing the way people saw computers. Jobs and Wozniak wanted to make computers (and later other technology products like mobile phones), that were innovative, desirable while offering a premium experience to the user.

By focusing on core principle of ‘surprise’ and ‘delight’, every product launch of Apple continues to generate excitement and huge response with joyous customers sharing their purchase as their badge of honour, while paying the premium price.

Today, Apple Inc.’s main product lines are as follows:

1. Mac

2. iPhone

3. iPad

4. iPod

5. Apple Watch

6. Apple TV

7. Digital Content

8. Software

9. Accessories, and

10. Cloud services

What Apple is great at is figuring out how to invent cool technology and making it wonderfully easy to use, Steve Jobs had told the Wall Street Journal in June 2004, and this premise has been evident in every product that Apple has manufactured.

Led in design engineering by Jony Ive, Apple has dazzled the market and consumers by its incredible sleek, minimalist and futuristic designs.

Apple Inc has continued to retain its coveted status by continually rolling out new features and upgrades, with each device better than the previous release. Apple’s word of mouth praise by the early adopters of new products, continues to provide the critical mass of purchase that keeps its brand superiority relevant.

Keeping their products on the cutting edge of technology and always finding ways to improve their products, Apple continues to lead the technology product space and has a devoted cult following of happy customers. Keeping customer engagement an ongoing priority, Apple offers regular software updates and newer apps in its library.

Today, Apple designs, manufactures and sells technological devices such as iPhone smartphones, iPad tablets, Mac desktop and portable personal computers and iPod digital music. Moreover, the company generates revenues via iTunes and the iTunes Store, Mac App Store, iCloud and Apple Pay. Apple also develops iOS and OS X operating system software and a range of application software such as iLife and iWork.

Lastly, Apple Corporation also designs, manufactures and sells its own and third-party Mac-compatible and iOS-compatible accessories, including Apple TV, headphones, cases, displays, storage devices and various other connectivity and computing products and supplies.

In the Apple’s product portfolio, iPhone continues to be the biggest product the tech giant sells, accounting for 63% of sales.

Apple ranks at 1st spot in the Forbes World’s Most Valuable Brands 2019 ranking,

Image Credit:

As of September 2018, the Apple had approximately 132,000 full-time equivalent employees (Annual Report, 2018). The net sales of the world’s largest IT company by revenue increased 16% or USD36.4 billion during 2018 compared to 2017.


Apple Inc. Report — Research-Methodology, 2019;

The Evolution of Apple, 2019;

The evolution of Apple products, 2019;

The Evolution of Apple Ads | Webdesigner Depot, 2019;

Here’s How Apple’s Products Have Evolved Over the Years, 2019; Business Insider Australia

How Apple Has Changed in the Past 10 Years | The Motley Fool, 2019;

The Evolution of Apple, 2019, ComputerWorld;

Steve Jobs’ Advertising Strategy Is Why Apple Still Tops the Market, 2019; Observer;

Apple Inc.’s Marketing Mix or 4Ps (An Analysis) — Panmore Institute, 2019; Panmore Institute;



Vandana Tulsyan

Brand Storyteller | Connector | Purpose-Driven Digital Marketer & Sales Professional | Content Strategist